Teens – body image and self-esteem, very real concerns

Teens – body image and self-esteem, very real concerns

\"love-your-body-poster\"Remember what it was like to be 14, 15, 16?  Hoping you looked half as cool, gorgeous, desirable as you wanted?  If you have, or know teenagers, you know that body image and self-esteem are very present issues.  Even children younger than pre-teens can engage in negative self-talk about their own body image.  As I\’ve experienced with my own children.

Adults in the lives of children have an ever-present responsibility to help children develop a healthy self-esteem and body image, as these issues, one way or another can have longer-lasting impact on children in many aspects of life. This article discusses what body image and self-esteem are/mean to teens and how the adults in their lives contribute (good and bad).

How do you handle this issue with the children in your life? What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given or give out regarding body image and self-esteem?

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