In this issue….
Unexpected Ways to Add Years to Your Life
New Study Shows Exercise May Build Brain Power
Why Getting Outside is Good for You
The Best Smoothie Ingredients for Losing Fat, Boosting Energy and Slowing Aging
Four Week Phone Coaching Program
Unexpected Ways to Add Years to Your Life
The life expectancy of the average American is 78.7 years. Reaching this age and exceeding it is largely dependent on the choices you make. Although genetics can play a part, there are some key things you can do to promote your own longevity.
- Adopt a Furry Friend – a four-legged companion may help you live longer according to a review published in the journal Circulation. Those who own dogs are more likely to stay active, thereby reducing stress and lowering risks for heart disease.
- Be Physically Intimate – there are several studies suggesting there is a link between more orgasms and longevity as it is an opportunity to work out nearly every muscle in the body while connecting with the one you love.
- Floss your Teeth Every Day – daily flossing gets rid of food trapped between your teach, but also removes the film of bacteria that forms before it can harden into plaque. Peridontal disease resulting from lack of flossing can cause low-grade inflammation and increase the risk of early heart attack and stroke.
- Maintain a Positive Attitude – A study of 243 centenarians revealed most had a positive outlook on life, and were generally easygoing, optimistic and full of laughter. Laugh more! It helps to lower your blood pressure, reduce blood sugars, dull pain, and lower stress which does the body good.
- Be Social – “people with stronger social relationships have a 50% greater chance of continued living as compared to those with weaker relationships.”
- Go Nuts – snacking on nuts several times a week can reduce your mortality risk compared with those who eat nuts less frequently. Nuts are high in antioxidants, fiber and unsaturated fatty acids, which help to reduce your risk of heart disease.
- Find Your Purpose – people with a greater sense of purpose in their lives may be more likely to take steps to be healthier. Develop a sense of purpose where you focus on the positive impact you are making in the world around you.
- Start Your Mornings with Coffee – studies have shown coffee reduces the risk of a number of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer\’s disease. Drink it in moderation.
- Eliminate Drinking Sodas – according to a study in the American Journal of Public Health, there is a link between soda intake and shortening of the telomeres, which are the caps on the ends of chromosomes directly linked to aging.
Sources: and
New Study Shows Exercise May Build Brain Power
Exercise benefits not only your physical body but can boost your brain power. By moving your body at least 20 minutes a day – walking, cardio, stretching, flexibility, weight training, pilates, etc. you can build brain power. Any form of exercise – it\’s all good! Exercise trains your brain and increases blood flow to the brain. Muscles help produce substance that aid in combating depression, and facilitates signaling that occurs with the neurotransmitters in our brains. Exercise helps prevent cellular damage. Blood flow due to exercise helps to make your body and brain work more efficiently.
Studies show children of all ages who do 20 minutes of exercise perform better on tests. It is good for teenagers. It is good for older adults who work. It is good for older people. So, everyone let\’s get moving!
Why Getting Outside is Good for You
Numerous studies show that being outdoors is good for you, and not a lot of time is needed to enjoy the positive effects from going green. Even taking just 5 minutes to exercise in a park, tend your garden in the backyard, hike a trail, or sit in a plant-filled setting positively benefits your mental health. Research analysis shows those who are young and the mentally ill tend to experience greater benefits from getting outside and moving and exercising. Doing this is also advantageous for people of all ages and social groups. Green areas (natural environments, parks, etc.) with water are particularly beneficial, as well as, green areas with blue skies. Exposure to the sun in natural settings aids your quality of sleep by helping to set your body’s internal clock and normalizing hormonal functions. Sunlight also supplies your body with vitamin D, which provides a multitude of benefits – prevention of cancer and hormonal problems, inflammation, obesity, and promotion of a strong immune system.
Don’t forget to visit the Mile High Fitness Blog and read the article: Kick Your Bad Habits: Live Healthier & Greener In Your City” @
The Best Smoothie Ingredients for
Losing Fat, Boosting Energy and Slowing Aging
Smoothies and shakes are quick, easy and convenient and have become a popular replacement for meals. Choosing the ingredients you put in your smoothie can make a positive difference in your health. Ingredients packed with important super nutrients can help you burn fat, increase your energy and combat the effects of premature aging. Berries – blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries have antioxidants and vitamins which help to slow the aging process and improve our skin cells. Bananas can be used to thicken smoothies and shakes and help to curve your appetite. Nuts provide crunch and texture – specifically, raw nuts help prevent diabetes, Alzheimer, heart disease and some cancers. Dark chocolate, when used in moderation, helps to reduce high blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Drink smoothies and shakes in place of a meal to ensure you do not offset the effect of losing fat.
Source: Buzz:60 video with Fitness Expert – John Basedow @ John Basedow – featured video
Four Week Telephonic Health
Coaching Program
Week 1: 45 Minutes
* Review Biometrics and complete lifestyle questionnaire
* Discuss current exercise habits, food choices, drink choices, cravings
* Discuss barriers to improving eating and exercise habits including existing beliefs and habits
* Discuss main health concerns (i.e. hypertension, obesity, etc)
* Develop plan for food consumption, replacements and substitutions, increased fruit/veggie intake, etc
* Develop plan for exercise based on goal of weight loss, stress reduction, injury prevention, etc.
Week 2: 20 Minutes
* Review plan developed in week 1 and discuss progress
* Discuss barriers to making progress (if needed)
* Enforce small steps solutions
Week 3: 20 Minutes
* Review plan developed in week 1 and discuss progress
* Discuss barriers to making progress (if needed)
* Enforce small steps solutions
Week 4: 45 Minutes
* Discuss current exercise habits, food choices, drink choices, cravings
* Discuss barriers to improving eating and exercise habits
* Review main health concerns (i.e. hypertension, obesity, etc)
* Review plan for food consumption, replacements and substitutions, increased fruit/veggie intake, etc
* Review plan for exercise based on goal of weight loss, stress reduction, injury prevention, etc.
Cost: $250/participant
Contact Kim Farmer, to set up your coaching program today!