Take your Workout on the Road

Take your Workout on the Road

Are you one of the millions of Americans who travel often enough that you reap the benefits of free airline tickets and hotels?Although the vacation perks are great, you might find your fitness routine is taking a hit.An unpredictable schedule, hours spent in airports or airplanes, and exhaustion from all the traveling can wreak havoc on your fitness routine.

Mile High Fitness & Wellness can help you regain control of your personal fitness with our Results Series DVDs. This collection of workout DVDs packs easily in your luggage and can be viewed on your lap top in the comfort of your hotel room.Each DVD provides a 45 minutes workout and is appropriate for all fitness levels.With four different workout styles to choose from, you can even have variety from day to day:

Yoga: This yoga workout for AM or PM will help you relieve stress, gain flexibility and energize the mind, body and spirit. A flowing sequence of moves is designed for beginner/intermediate levels.

Kickboxing: Increase your endurance with easy to follow kickboxing choreography and high energy moves.

Cardio Dance: This video will have you shaking your hips and shoulders and make you forget you are exercising! Upbeat Latin music with reggaeton, salsa, merengue and other dance types.

Interval: Gain strength and get cardio with this interval blast workout. Challenging cardio segments with easy to follow basic moves. Only 2 resistance bands or dumbbells required.

Most of the workouts don’t require any equipment, other than appropriate clothing and shoes. The Interval workout can be done with resistance bands, which can be found in your local sporting goods store, and are very compact for traveling.

Don’t let your busy travel/work schedule take away from your health and wellness. With a little bit of discipline, and MHF&W Results Series DVDs, you can have your travel perks and your fitness, too!

Visit our website to order yours today!


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