The tai chi model is based on the premise that there is a bio energy system in the body. The bio energy or Qi gets carried round the body in energy channels called meridians -similar to the way the veins carry blood around the body. A relaxing and affordable exercise method, tai chi could be exactly what you need to re…duce pain, improve stamina, and increase strength and flexibility.
3 thoughts on “What is Tai Chi?”
Tai chi has been proven to help the elderly improve their balance thus reducing their risk of falls. Other benefits are a reduction in arthritis pain, help with Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. It is also considered to be a good way to relax and reduce stress. It can be done by anyone regardless of age and fitness level. No special equipment required to partake in it.
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Tai-Chi is one of the best stuffs out there aside from meditation. It can really help the health of a person. ;
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