September 29, 2010

Learning Biomechanics

Getting hurt at the gym is fairly common in the fitness industry. Lifting heavy weights from the floor can put a strain in your back they are not lifted properly. This problem can be minimized by learning the biomechanics of your body.

What is Tai Chi?

The tai chi model is based on the premise that there is a bio energy system in the body. The bio energy or Qi gets carried round the body in energy channels called meridians -similar to the way the veins carry blood around the body. A relaxing and affordable exercise method, tai chi could be …

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Tai Chi and Musculoskeletal Disorders

According to a pilot study published in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, tai chi may improve lower-body muscular function and provide health benefits to people with rheumatoid arthritis. From the Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view tai chi and Qi Gong are used to promote personal energy for self healing and wellbeing.

Creatine Supplements

Wondering about using Creatine supplements? Well, if you’re a weight lifter and want to gain muscle mass and increase your max strength; it may be a great supplement for you! However, if you enjoy aerobic exercise, it does very little to improve your fitness—making it not worth the retained water and potential gastric distress.


If you want more fiber in your diet, you need more plant foods. Fruits and veggies are loaded with fiber and studies show that you can increase your risk for heart disease with a low-fiber diet. The older we get, the less calories we need, and therefore less fiber. Generally if you are under 50, …

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Think about Lunch

Since lunch is an entire 1/3 of the entire day’s food intake for most people, it deserves your time and attention. Challenge yourself to include protein (like lean meat or fish), color (like veggies and fruit), and dairy (like yogurt or low fat cheese) in every lunch to help maintain a balanced diet.